Educatief project ‘Oorlogen en vredesmissies’, Nederlandse betrokkenheid burgeroorlog ex-Joegoslavië Name Email Address Type the keywords of your area of interest. Feedback will be given soon. Submit Search for: Go to Go to...
Op werd een module over dekolonisatie opgenomen Name Email Address Type the keywords of your area of interest. Feedback will be given soon. Submit Search for: Go to Go to...
Bij gelegenheid van amerikaanse presidentverkiezingen werd enkele malen in bibliotheken een historische expositie samengesteld. Name Email Address Type the keywords of your area of interest. Feedback will be given soon. Submit Search for: Go to Go to...
Regelmatig stelde Klaas Kornaat exposities samen met materiaal uit zijn in de loop der jaren opgebouwde collectie. Name Email Address Type the keywords of your area of interest. Feedback will be given soon. Submit Search for: Go to Go to...
Voor de website van de Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal werd een rondleidingsmodule samengesteld Name Email Address Type the keywords of your area of interest. Feedback will be given soon. Submit Search for: Go to Go to...
We show and sell historical paper items. Cards, covers, magazines, newspapers, brochures, (poster) stamps, ads, documents, signatures, you name it. On top of that vintage photography & music (LP’s) are listed. Please check regularly. I always use the following elements in the basic information: date, topic, item, important details and off course all you want to know in the detailed description. All items are original, no copies or reprints here. When stuff is taken out of mags or books I name the source when possible; the ads and other items are not torn out but carefully preserved after the staples are removed (always with ample margin), I don’t sell the messy clippings that you usually see; check the photos!! We only sell quality stuff (complete, no stains, no moisture, no tears, no pieces missing inside, no notes of previous owners). When the item is really rare sometimes small imperfections are accepted but always stated in the description: when you’re not sure please ask.